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Evidence of the mining activity in the Erzgebirge during the High Middle Ages can be seen at the archaeological silver mining sites in and around Dippoldiswalde. Almost completely preserved, the underground mining landscape, which dates back to the 12th and 13th centuries is of exceptional importance for research into the early history of mining in the Erzgebirge. To date, archaeological excavations have identified 15 shafts: the historical artefacts that have been found provide a unique insight into early mining in the Erzgebirge.

MiBERZ (the Museum of Medieval Mining in the Erzgebirge) explores the world of medieval silver mining in the Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It showcases extraordinary finds that are unique in Europe, offering fascinating insights into the life and work of medieval miners. The state-of-the-art exhibition includes exceptionally well-preserved objects from over 800 years ago, and brings to life the early technologies and equipment used to extract and process the coveted silver ore. Media stations and virtual and augmented reality experiences give visitors of all ages a fascinating, up-close glimpse of the world of underground mining.
