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The Schmalzgrube Ironworks is one of the few objects preserved in its original condition from among the once numerous pig-iron processing works in the Erzgebirge. The eight-metre-tall blast furnace was built in 1659 from quarry stone, and the forge manor house was constructed in 1776. Together, they are the last remaining objects to document early-industrial pig-iron production in the central Erzgebirge. The iron ore processed here came predominantly from the Bohemian Erzgebirge. The hammer mill manor house is also illustrative of the social structures of 18th-century Erzgebirge iron manufacturing.

Active associations in the Erzgebirge/Krušnohoří Mining Region: 

Verein Altbergbau Andreas-Gegentrum-Stolln im Preßnitztal e. V.