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The mining landscape to the north of the former mining town of Měděnec (Kupferberg) is a significant component of mining historical heritage in the central Erzgebirge. Mining was primarily concentrated on the area near Mědník, where there is almost six centuries of evidence of the mining of iron- and silver-containing copper ores from hard skarn rock.

The distinctive hill with the baroque Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, which dates from 1674, is unique not only in the Erzgebirge but also in Europe because of its large number of historic mines. Across a small area, approximately 70 adits and shafts were operational between the 15th and the 19th centuries; of these, numerous collapsed openings, funnel-shaped sinkholes and heaps remain.

Thanks to the Marie Pomocná and Země zaslíbená adits, the public can access the historical underground installations, which demonstrate how miners sank shafts by hand and by using the fire-setting method.
