##LINK##The original water-driven gin hoisting house had been dismantled in 1913 in order to construct a new shaft building. Architecture and scenic effect of the three-storeyed building (1913/14) have been carried out in the style of the original hoisting house. Attached to the rear gable of the shaft building is a functional building with flat roof that hosted the switch room of the former power plant. From there the generated electricity was fed into the public power supply. The building houses the steel headframe. Originally, the hoisting engine inside the machine house has been a component part of the steam-hoisting machine from the Reiche Zeche pilot shaft at Freiberg. It has first been moved to the leat shaft of the Beschert Glück Fundgrube (mine) in 1998, and in the process of modification into an underground power station, came into operation at the Drei Brüder Schacht (shaft) in 1913. The steam-hoisting machine was equipped with a direct current motor in 1915.