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The church building erected under Hans Münzer in the last thirty years of the 15th century has undergone extensive restorations and has been used as a place of worship again since November 2005. The building’s external design has been kept simple. The three-aisled nave stretches in a west-east direction. Adjoining it to the west is the church spire with square floor plan, while the chancel is located to the east. The Bünau chapel sits adjacent to it in a north-easterly direction. The entrance area inside the tower features groin vaulting. The ceiling constructions of the nave’s main and side aisles are supported by four chamfered octagonal pillars, which prop up reticulated vaults in the main aisle, and stellar vaults in the side aisles.

The church’s art-history elements include amongst the altar in the chancel. This was erected as a four-level, pyramidal, sandstone altar, and is one of the most significant of its kind in Germany. To the north-east of the chancel is the Bünau chapel, which houses the sandstone epitaph of the von Bünau family. Life-size statues of the benefactor, Günther von Bünau (1557-1619), his first wife, Margarethe von Bredow (1568-1609), his second wife, Margarethe von Schleinitz (1594-1615), and his six sons and five daughters kneel on a wide ledge. The epitaph is made from unprocessed sandstone, and is adorned with valuable materials, such as alabaster, agate and jasper.

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